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Horncastle Education Trust

Become a School Governor

We look for Super Heros!

Have you ever thought about becoming a Governor at a school?


The Local Governing Body (LGB) is a vital part of governance within the Trust, acting as a committee of the Trust Board. Working with the Headteacher and senior leaders, the responsibilities of the LGB include:


  • developing a vision and strategy for the school and supporting the development and implementation of the school's development plan;
  • recommend the school’s individual annual budget to the Trust Board and once approved, monitor expenditure against it, making sure it is well spent;
  • holding school leaders to account to ensure that every pupil has the best possible education, ensuring high quality teaching, learning and assessment takes place and is continuously improved;
  • engaging with pupils, staff, parents and the school community to understand their views.


Find out more about The Role of a Governor in Horncastle Education Trust.

Contact us to find out more about how to join our governance team: